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Looking for Cross Eye Dominance Shotgun Sights?

Are you a shooter who struggles with cross-eye dominance when aiming with your shotgun sights? If so, you’re not alone. Many shooters experience these challenges, but luckily, there is a solution – the Eye Dominance Rail.

Are you a shooter who struggles with cross-eye dominance when aiming with your shotgun sights? Do you find it difficult to focus on your target and experience vision distortion? If so, you’re not alone. Many shooters experience these challenges, but luckily, there is a solution – the Eye Dominance Rail.

What is Cross-Eye Dominance?

For those unfamiliar with cross-eye dominance, it occurs when a shooter’s dominant eye is on the opposite side of their dominant hand. For example, a right-handed shooter may have their dominant left eye, which can cause problems when trying to aim with traditional shotgun sights.

How the Eye Dominance Rail Helps

The Eye Dominance Rail is a simple and effective device that helps shooters aim accurately with both eyes open, regardless of whether they have cross-eye dominance or not. Similar to cross eye dominance shotgun sights, it works by eliminating vision distortion and balancing the sight picture, correcting central vision issues and ensuring that you can focus on your target with ease.

The Eye Dominance Rail is easy to install and can be used with any type of shotgun. It is also affordable and accessible to shooters of all levels, from beginners to professionals.

The Benefits of Using Our Cross Eye Dominance Shotgun Sights.

One of the biggest advantages of using the Eye Dominance Rail is that it allows the shooter to maintain situational awareness. When aiming with one eye closed, a shooter can easily miss important details in their peripheral vision, which can be critical in situations such as hunting or self-defense. By using the Eye Dominance Rail, the shooter can keep both eyes open, and their peripheral vision remains intact. This can increase their chances of success and improve their overall performance.

Another benefit of using the Eye Dominance Rail is that it can improve the shooter’s accuracy. When aiming with both eyes open, the brain is better able to process visual information and create a clearer image of the target. This can help the shooter to make more accurate and precise shots, leading to better results.


If you’re a shotgun shooter who struggles with cross-eye dominance or vision distortion when aiming, consider giving the Eye Dominance Rail a try. This simple and effective device can help to balance your sight picture, improve your situational awareness, and increase your accuracy. With the Eye Dominance Rail, you can shoot with both eyes open and achieve better results. So, why wait? Order your Eye Dominance Rail today and take your shooting performance to the next level!