As a left eye dominant right hand shooter, you may have experienced significant issues with your eye dominance. This can negatively impact your clay shooting accuracy and overall performance. However, with the introduction of the Eye-D rail, a new eye dominance fix for clay shooting, you can now enjoy improved visibility and precision when shooting, regardless of your dominant eye.
What is the Eye-D Rail?
Developed by Ben, a clay shooting enthusiast, and creator of the Eye-D rail, this innovative product works on a rail system. It attaches to your gun with a replacement bead on the left or right-hand side. It effectively blocks out the non-dominant eye, allowing for better focus and accuracy. This works regardless of whether you are a left-eye dominant right-hand shooter or vice versa.
Discover the benefits.
The Eye-D rail is particularly beneficial for those who struggle with eye dominance. Also for those who have tried numerous other products without much improvement in their shooting. For example, gridded or checkered lines on glasses, tube beads, and big or small beads.
One of the most significant advantages of the Eye-D rail is that it enables you to shoot with both eyes open. This provides depth perception and speed when shooting. Although it wasn’t designed specifically for this purpose, many users have reported being able to shoot with both eyes open. As a result, an increase in scores and overall performance.
The Eye-D rail is also a game-changer for those who have to close an eye when shooting. The moment you close an eye, the barrel jumps, making it challenging to hit your target accurately. With the Eye-D rail, you can leave your non-shooting eye open longer. This provides better depth perception and speed when you do close it, regardless of your eye dominance.
Easy to Use
Moreover, the Eye-D rail is incredibly easy to use and install. Thus, making it perfect for beginners and experienced clay shooters alike. It is available in both left and right-handed versions. You can choose the one that best suits your needs as a left-eye dominant right-hand shooter.

In conclusion, if you’re struggling with eye dominance when clay shooting as a left-eye dominant right-hand shooter, the Eye-D rail is the ultimate solution. It provides better visibility, accuracy, and precision when shooting, enabling you to take your performance to the next level. Give it a try today and see the difference it can make in your shooting.